YEMEN 2016


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In 2016, Monumenta Orientalia supported a Yemeni candidate to follow the Postgraduate Certificate Program in Art Crime and Cultural Heritage Protection, organized by the Association for Research into Crimes against Art (ARCA). The course took place in Amelia (Umbria, Italy) from May 27 to August 15, 2016. The Yemeni candidate, employed at the National Archaeological Museum of Yemen in Sanaa, won the Minerva scholarship to follow the course organized by ARCA, and Monumenta Orientalia covered all expenditure (airfare expenses between Yemen and Italy, as well as housing and daily allowance). In November of the same year, the candidate presented the thesis, applying the knowledge acquired during the training course to the problems related to Yemen. The thesis, entitled “The Crimes and Smuggling of Yemen’s Antiquities”, explains the serious situation specifically in the field of archaeology. The candidate obtained the diploma brilliantly.

More information about the dissemination activities can be found here