YEMEN – Publications

The Italian Archaeological Mission in Yemen has collected and produced over the years a considerable amount of documentation on the archaeological activities carried out in the country. Listed below, in thematic order, most of the publications and, where possible, pdf format.

Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryAntonini, S. 2019, “The Italian Archaeological Mission at Šibām al-Ġirās, Yemen”, in Ex Oriente lux. Collected papers to mark the 75th anniversary Mikhail Borisovich Piotrovsky, Saint Petersburg: The State Hermitage Publisher, 2019, pp. 33-57.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryAntonini S., A. de Maigret 2010. “Missione in Yemen. Trent’anni di scavi italiani nella terra della Regina di Saba”, Archeo speciale, No 304, pp. 72-93-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryAntonini S., 2011. “Alessandro de Maigret (14 August 1943 – 14 February 2011). Appreciation”, Antiquity, online 25 August 2011,
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryAntonini de Maigret S., 2012. “Missione archeologica italiana in Yemen. Progetto di ricerca e scavi a Ghaymān”, Bilqis. La regina di Saba (n. 2, giugno 2012), pp. 10-13, Roma. (Pubblicazione a cura dell’Ambasciata dello Yemen a Roma). PDF
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryAntonini de Maigret, S., Ch.J. Robin (eds), 2012. Alessandro de Maigret. Saba', Ma´în et Qatabân. Contributions à l’archéologie et à l'histoire de l'Arabie ancienne (Orient & Méditerranée No. 8). Paris (De Boccard).-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryBokonyi, S., 1990. “Preliminary Report on the Animal Remains of Gabal Qutran (GQi) and al-Masannah (MASi)”, in A. de Maigret (ed.), The Bronze Age Culture of Khawlan at-Tiyal and Al-Hada (Yemen Arab Republic): A First General Report (=IsMEO Reports and Memoirs, XXIV), Roma, pp. 145-148.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryBulgarelli, M.G., 1987. “Evidence of Paleolithic Industries in Northern Yemen”, in W. Daum, (ed.), Yemen, 3000 Years of Art and Civilization in Arabia Felix, Innsbruck, pp. 32-3 -
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryCastiello, B., A. Gianni, 1990. “Grindstone Tools and Hammerstones at Wadi Yana'im, Site 1 (WYi)”, in A. de Maigret (ed.), The Bronze Age Culture of Khawlan at-Tiyal and Al-Hada (Yemen Arab Republic): A First General Report (=IsMEO Reports and Memoirs, XXIV), Roma, pp. 115-128.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryCostantini, L., 1984. “Plant Impressions in Bronze Age Pottery from Yemen Arab Republic”, East and West, 34, pp. 107-115. PDF
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryCostantini, L., 1990. “Ecology and Farming of the Protohistoric Communities in the Central Yemeni Highlands”, in A. de Maigret (ed.), The Bronze Age Culture of Khawlan at-Tiyal and Al-Hada (Yemen Arab Republic): A First General Report, (=IsMEO Reports and Memoirs, XXIV), Roma, pp. 187-204.-
Surveys, Discoveries, Prehistoryde Maigret, A., 1980. “Prospezione geoarcheologica nello Yemen del Nord. Notizia di una prima ricognizione (1980)”, Oriens Antiquus, 19, pp. 307-313.PDF
Surveys, Discoveries, Prehistoryde Maigret, A., 1981. “Two Prehistoric Cultures and a New Sabaean Site in the Eastern Highlands of North Yemen”, Raydân, 4, pp. 191-204.PDF
Surveys, Discoveries, Prehistoryde Maigret, A., 1982a. “1982 IsMEO Activities in the Yemen Arab Republic”, East and West, 32, pp. 230-231. PDF
Surveys, Discoveries, Prehistoryde Maigret, A., 1982b. “Ricerche archeologiche nella Repubblica Araba Yemenita. Notizia di una seconda ricognizione”, Oriens Antiquus, 21, pp. 237-253.PDF
Surveys, Discoveries, Prehistoryde Maigret, A., 1983. “Activities of the Italian Archaeological Mission in the Yemen Arab Republic (1983 Campaign)”, East and West, 33, pp. 340-344.PDF
Surveys, Discoveries, Prehistoryde Maigret, A., 1984. “A Bronze Age for Southern Arabia”, East and West, 34, pp. 75-106.PDF
Surveys, Discoveries, Prehistoryde Maigret, A., 1984. “Ricerche della Missione Archeologica Italiana nella Repubblica Araba Yemenita”, in Atti del II Convegno su: La presenza culturale italiana nei Paesi Arabi: storia e prospettive, Sorrento, 18-20 novembre 1982, Roma (Istituto per l’Oriente), pp. 326-328. -
Surveys, Discoveries, Prehistoryde Maigret, A., 1987. “ ‘Asr nahasi fi junub al-jazirat al-‘arabiyyah (The Bronze culture in Southern Arabia)”, Al-Iklīl (Sanaa), pp. 73-96.-
Surveys, Discoveries, Prehistoryde Maigret, A., 1987. “La Missione Archeologica Italiana nello Yemen del Nord”, Levante, 29, pp. 47-59.-
Surveys, Discoveries, Prehistoryde Maigret, A., 1987. “The Yemeni Bronze Age”, in W. Daum (ed.), Yemen. 3000 Years of Art and Civilisation in Arabia Felix, Innsbruck - Frankfurt/Main, pp. 38-40 (Pinguin).-
Surveys, Discoveries, Prehistoryde Maigret, A., 1989. “Attività della Missione Archeologica Italiana nella Repubblica Araba Yemenita”, Vesnik Drevney Istorii, 3, pp. 155-163 [in russo].-
Surveys, Discoveries, Prehistoryde Maigret, A., 1989. “Le attività di formazione e di cooperazione archeologica condotte dalla Missione Italiana dell’IsMEO nello Yemen del Nord”, Cooperazione, 87 (settembre), pp. 64-65.-
Surveys, Discoveries, Prehistoryde Maigret, A., 1990. The Bronze Age Culture of Khawlan at-Tiyal and Al-Hada (Yemen Arab Republic): A First General Report, con contributi di S. Bökönyi, B. Castiello, L. Costantini, F. Di Mario, F.G. Fedele, V. Francaviglia, A. Gianni, B. Marcolongo, A.M. Palmieri, A. Zarattini (=IsMEO Reports and Memoirs, XXIV), Roma.-
Surveys, Discoveries, Prehistoryde Maigret, A., 1990. “Scoperte italiane nello Yemen”, Archeo, 64, pp. 12-13.-
Surveys, Discoveries, Prehistoryde Maigret, A., 1996. “Yemen: archeologia”, V Appendice della Enciclopedia Italiana, Roma, pp. 809-810 (Treccani). -
Surveys, Discoveries, Prehistoryde Maigret, A., 1996. “Arabia, I. Prehistoric, 2. Yemen” and “Arabia, PIS, 5. Pottery, (ii) Yemen”, The Dictionary of Art, London-New York (MacMillan Publishers).-
Surveys, Discoveries, Prehistoryde Maigret, A., 1997. « L’âge du Bronze sur les Hautes-Terres », in AA.VV., Yémen, au pays de la reine de Saba’. Exposition présentée à l’Institut du Monde Arabe du 25 octobre 1997 au 28 février 1998, Paris, pp. 34-39. -
Surveys, Discoveries, Prehistoryde Maigret, A., 2000. “L’età del Bronzo nell’altopiano”, in AA.VV., Yemen. Nel paese della regina di Saba, Catalogo della Mostra della Fondazione Memmo a Palazzo Ruspoli, Roma 5 aprile – 30 giugno 2000, Roma, pp. 61-64 (Skira).-
Surveys, Discoveries, Prehistoryde Maigret, A., 2000. “Le attività della Missione Archeologica Italiana in Yemen”, in AA.VV., Yemen. Nel paese della regina di Saba, Catalogo della Mostra della Fondazione Memmo a Palazzo Ruspoli, Roma 5 aprile – 30 giugno 2000, Roma, pp. 31-32 (Skira).-
Surveys, Discoveries, Prehistoryde Maigret, A., 2005. The Italian Archaeological Mission: An Appraisal of 25 Years Research (1980-2004) (=Yicar Papers, 2), San‘â - Napoli.PDF
Surveys, Discoveries, Prehistoryde Maigret, A., G.M. Bulgarelli, F.G. Fedele, B. Marcolongo, U. Scerrato, G. Ventrone, 1984. “Archaeological activities in the Yemen Arab Republic, 1984”, East and West, n.s., 34 (4), pp. 423-454 [FGF pp. 431-437]. -
Surveys, Discoveries, Prehistoryde Maigret, A., F. G. Fedele, F. Di Mario, 1988. “Lo Yemen prima del Regno di Saba”, Le Scienze,40 (234, February), pp. 12-23, 98.-
Surveys, Discoveries, Prehistoryde Maigret, A., B. Marcolongo, A.M. Palmieri, C. Azzi, 1989. “Effects of a Middle Holocene Pedogenesis and Recent Neo-Tectonics on the Archaeological Sites of Wadi Yana‘im (Yemen Arab Republic)”, Paléorient, 15/1, pp. 239-243.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryDi Mario, F., 1987. “A new lithic inventory from Arabian Peninsula: the North Yemen industry in Bronze Age”, Oriens Antiquus, XXVI, pp. 89-107.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryDi Mario, F., 1989. “The Western ar-Rubˈ al-Khâlî "Neolithic": New Data from the Ramlat Sabˈatayn (Yemen Arab Republic)”, Annali dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, 49, pp. 109-148.PDF
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryDi Mario, F., 1987. “Ricerche archeologiche nella Repubblica Araba dello Yemen”, Rassegna dei Beni Culturali, 11-12, pp. 48-53-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryDi Mario, F., 1990. “The Bronze Age Lithic Industry”, in A. de Maigret (ed.), The Bronze Age Culture of Khawlan at-Tiyal and Al-Hada (Yemen Arab Republic): A First General Report (=IsMEO Reports and Memoirs, XXIV), Roma, pp. 81-114.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryDi Mario, F., 1992. “L'industria "neolitica" di Wâdî Ath-Tayyilah, sito 3 (Repubblica dello Yemen): studio della collezione litica di superficie”, Yemen, Studi archeologici, storici e filologici sull'Arabia meridionale, 1, pp. 55-78.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryDi Mario, F, L. Costantini, F.G. Fedele, F. Gravina, C. Smriglio, 1989. “The western ar-Rub‘ al-Khālī ‘Neolithic’: new data from the Ramlat Sab‘atayn (Yemen Arab Republic)”, Annali, Istituto Universitario Orientale, 49, pp. 109-148. [FGF, «Animal remains», pp 141-145].-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryFedele, F.G., 1984. “Fauna of Wādī Yanā‘im (WYi), Yemen Arab Republic”, East and West, n.s., 34 (1-3), pp. 117-125.PDF
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryFedele, F.G., 1985. “Research on Neolithic and Holocene paleoecology in the Yemeni highlands”, in A. de Maigret, G.M. Bulgarelli, L. Costantini, P. Cuneo, F.G. Fedele, V. Francaviglia, B. Marcolongo, A. Palmieri, U. Scerrato, M. Tosi, G. Ventrone,“Archaeological activities in the Yemen Arab Republic, 1985”, East and West, n.s., 35 (4), pp. 369-373 [in 337-395].-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryFedele, F.G., 1986. “Neolithic and Protohistoric cultures. Excavations and researches in the eastern Highlands”, in A. de Maigret, G.M. Bulgarelli, L. Costantini, P. Cuneo, F.G. Fedele, V. Francaviglia, B. Marcolongo, A. Palmieri, U. Scerrato, M. Tosi, G. Ventrone, “Archaeological activities in the Yemen Arab Republic, 1986”, East and West, n.s., 36 (4), pp. 396-400 [in 376-470].-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryFedele, F.G., 1987. „Die Jungsteinzeit im Nordjemen“, in W. Daum (ed.), Jemen. Anlass der Ausstellung ‘Jemen: 3000 Jahre Kunst und Kultur des Glücklichen Arabien’, Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde, München, pp. 35-38. Innsbruck, Pinguin-Verlag & Frankfurt am Main, Umschau-Verlag.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryFedele, F.G., 1988. “North Yemen: the Neolithic“, in W. Daum (ed.), Yemen. 3000 years of art and civilisation in Arabia Felix, pp. 34-37. Innsbruck, Pinguin-Verlag & Frankfurt am Main, Umschau-Verlag.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryFedele, F.G., 1989. “Animal remains”, in F. Di Mario, L. Costantini, F.G. Fedele, F. Gravina, C. Smriglio, “The western ar-Rub‘ al-Khālī ‘Neolithic’: new data from the Ramlat Sab‘atayn (Yemen Arab Republic)”, Annali, Istituto Universitario Orientale [Naples], 49, 141-145 [in 109-148].-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryFedele, F.G., 1989. “Review of ‘Yemen. 3000 years of art and civilisation in Arabia Felix”, Le Scienze, 42 (250, June), p. 107.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryFedele, F.G., 1990. “Bronze Age faunal collections from North Yemen”, in A. de Maigret (ed.), The Bronze Age culture of Khawlān at-Tiyāl and Al-Hadā (Republic of Yemen). A first general report, IsMEO, Reports and Memoirs 24, Rome, pp. 149-185.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryFedele, F.G., 1990. “Fossil volcanism and archaeology: the North Yemen Highlands”, in C. Albore Livadie, F. Widemann (eds), Volcanology and archaeology / Volcanologie et archéologie. Proceedings of the European Workshops of Ravello, November 19-27, 1987 and March, 30-31, 1989, PACT 25, Strasbourg, Conseil de l’Europe, pp. 11-23.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryFedele, F.G., 1990. “Man, land and climate: emerging interactions from the Holocene of the Yemen Highlands”, in S. Bottema, G. Entjes-Nieborg, W. van Zeist (eds), Man’s role in the shaping of the Eastern Mediterranean landscape, Rotterdam and Brookfield (VT), A.A. Balkema, pp. 31-42.PDF
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryFedele, F.G., 1990. “Radiocarbon dates”, in A. de Maigret (ed.), The Bronze Age culture of Hawlān at-Tiyāl and Al-Hadā (Republic of Yemen). A first general report, IsMEO, Reports and Memoirs 24, Rome, pp. 205-212.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryFedele, F.G., 1992. “Zooarchaeology in Mesopotamia and Yemen: a comparative history”, Origini. Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche, 16, pp. 49-93.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryFedele, F.G., D. Zaccara 2005. “Wadi at-Tayyla 3: a mid-Holocene site on the Yemen Plateau and its lithic collection”, in A. Sholan, S. Antonini, M. Arbach (eds), Sabaean Studies. Studies in honour of Yusuf M. ’Abdallah, Alessandro de Maigret and Christian J. Robin in occasion of their 60th birthdays, Naples-San‘a, pp. 213-245.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryFedele, F.G., 2007. “Wādī aṭ-Ṭayyilah 3, a Neolithic settlement on the eastern Yemen Plateau and its archaeofaunal information”. Abstract, The Seminar for Arabian Studies 19-21 July 2007. Abstracts 2007, 12. London. -
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryFedele, F.G., 2008. “Wādī aṭ-Ṭayyilah 3, a Neolithic and Pre-Neolithic occupation on the eastern Yemen Plateau, and its archaeofaunal information”, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 38, pp. 153-171. PDF
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryFedele, F.G., 2009. “Early Holocene in the highlands: data on the peopling of the eastern Yemen Plateau, with a note on the Pleistocene evidence”, in M.D. Petraglia, J.I. Rose (eds), The evolution of human populations in Arabia. Paleoenvironments, prehistory and genetics,. Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology Series. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York, Springer, pp. 215-236. PDF
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryFedele, F.G., 2011. Alessandro de Maigret (14 August 1943 – 14 February 2011). Appreciation, Antiquity, online 25 August 2011,
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryFedele, F.G., 2011. In memoriam Alessandro de Maigret, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 41, pp. xi-xiii. PDF
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryFedele, F.G., 2011. Professor Alessandro de Maigret. Bulletin of The Society for Arabian Studies, 16, p. 64.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryFedele, F.G., 2012. Per Alessandro de Maigret, 14 febbraio 2012, in In Memoriam Alessandro de Maigret [Università di Napoli L'Orientale, CISA, Naples], online 28 March 2012,
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryFedele, F.G., D. Barca, G. Lucarini, 2012. “The provenance of obsidian artefacts from the Wādī ath-Thayyilah 3 Neolithic site (eastern Yemen Plateau) by LA-ICP-MS”, Archaeometry 54 (4), pp. 603-622.PDF
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryFedele, F.G., 2013. “Neolithic settlement of the eastern Yemen Plateau: an exploration of locational choice and land use”, Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, 24 (1), pp. 44-50.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryFrancaviglia, V., 1990. “Obsidian Sources in Ancient Yemen”, in A. de Maigret (ed.), The Bronze Age Culture of Khawlan at-Tiyal and Al-Hada (Yemen Arab Republic): A First General Report (=IsMEO Reports and Memoirs, XXIV), Roma, pp. 129-136.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryFrancaviglia, V., 1996. « Il existait déjà au Néolithique un commerce d'obsidienne à travers la Mer Rouge ? », in Actes du colloque de Périgneux 1995, Supplément à la Revue d'Archéométrie, pp. 65-70.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryGianni, A., 1986. “Un esempio di ricerca etno-archeologica nella regione del Khawlân. Repubblica Araba Yemenita”, Dialoghi di Archeologia, 1, pp. 111-122.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryJung, M., 1989. “Graffiti rupestri nello Yemen del Nord: I”, Annali dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, 49, 3, pp. 271-288.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryJung, M., 1989. “Graffiti rupestri nello Yemen del Nord: II”, Annali dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, 49, 4, pp. 323-335.PDF
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryJung, M., 1990. “Graffiti rupestri del Gabal ˈAsal, del Wadi ˈUs e del Husn al-Diyab nello Yemen del Nord” Annali dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, 50,1, pp. 41-59.PDF
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryJung, M., 1991. “Bronze Age Rock Pictures in North Yemen”, East and West, 41,1-4, pp. 47-78.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryJung, M.,1991. “Rock Art of North Yemen”, Rivista degli Studi Orientali, LXIV, 3-4, pp. 255-273.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryJung, M., 1991. “Research on Rock Art in North Yemen”, Annali dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, 51,1, Supplem. No. 66.PDF
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryJung, M., 1992. “Notes on Two Small Hypostyle Mosques in Ghaymān, North Yemen”, East and West, 42, 2-4, pp. 179-202.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryJung, M., 1992. “Archaeological Notes on Itwa in Central 'Arhab/North Yemen”, Yemen. Studi archeologici, storici e filologici sull'Arabia meridionale, 1, pp. 99-110.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryJung, M., 1994. “A Map of Southern Yemen: rock art with notes on some of the subjects depicted”, Proceedings of the Seminar of Arabian Studies, 24, pp. 135-156.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryJung, M., 1994. “On Representations of Camels and Camel-Riders in the Rock Art of North Yemen”, East and West, 44, pp. 231-48.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryJung, M., 1996. “Rock art on Socotra Island/Yemen, AION, 56, pp. 79-87. PDF
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryJung, M., 1997-1999. “Graffiti and Rock paintings of Footprints on the Arabian Peninsula”, Environmental Design, 1-2, pp. 164-83. -
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryJung, M., 2005. “Sanaa”, s.v. Enciclopedia Archeologica. Asia. Treccani, pp. 878s.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryJung, M., 2005. “Socotra”, s.v. Enciclopedia Archeologica. Asia. Treccani, pp. 879s.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryJung, M., 2005. “al-Mughiam”, s.v. Enciclopedia Archeologica. Asia. Treccani, pp. 878.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryJung, M., 2008. “La coniazione delle monete islamiche secondo la descrizione di al-Hamdani (893-ca.945)”, in Museo Nazionale d’Arte Orientale “Giuseppe Tucci”, Documenti, II, La collezione numismatica, 1, Le monete islamiche. Parte prima, Roma, pp. 23-28, 99-103.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryJung, M., 2012. “Breve storia dell’Arabia Meridionale dalle origini al primo periodo Islamico”, in S. Antonini, P. D’Amore, M. Jung (eds), Il trono della Regina di Saba. Cultura e diplomazia tra Italia e Yemen. La Collezione sudarabica del MNAOR, Roma, pp. 97-104.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryMarcolongo, B., 1996. “Modelli di utilizzo delle risorse idriche nelle Yemen interno dall'età del Bronzo al periodo sudarabico”, in Ch. J. Robin (ed.), Arabia Antiqua. Early Origins of South Arabian States. Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Conservation and Exploitation of the Archaeological Heritage of the Arabian Peninsula Held at the Palazzo Brancaccio, Rome, by IsMEO on 28th-30th May 1991 (= Serie Orientale Roma, LXX, 1), Roma, pp. 179-188.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryMarcolongo, B., 2005. “Brief history of the geographical and geological explorations in Yemen”, in A. Sholan, S. Antonini, M. Arbach (eds), Sabaean Studies. Studies in honour of Yusuf M. ’Abdallah, Alessandro de Maigret and Christian J. Robin in occasion of their 60th birthdays, Naples-Ṣanʿāʾ, pp. 389-395.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryMarcolongo, B., 2011. Alessandro de Maigret (14 August 1943 – 14 February 2011). Appreciation, Antiquity, online 25 August 2011,
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryMarcolongo B., A.M.  Palmieri, 1986. “Neo-tectonics evidences in Wadi Danah basin through geomorphological, sedimentological and archeological observations”, Proeedings of the Workshop on Geophysics and its Tectonic Implications in the Arabian Peninsula and the Red Sea Region, SU/ICTP, Ṣanaʿāʾ, pp. 38-47. -
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryMarcolongo, B., A.M. Palmieri, 1988. “Environmental Modification and Settlement Conditions in the Yalâ Area”, in A. de Maigret (ed.), The Sabaean Archaeological Complex in the Wadi Yala (Eastern Khawlan at-Tiyal, Yemen Arab Republic) (=IsMEO Reports and Memoirs, XXI), Roma, pp. 45-51. -
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryMarcolongo B., A.M. Palmieri A.M., 1989, “Paleoenvironment and Settlement Pattern of the Tihamah Coastal Plain (Yemen Arab Republic)”, Proceedings of The 28th   International Geological Congress, Symposium E 20-Archaeological Geology, Washington, pp. 317-332. -
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryMarcolongo, B., A.M. Palmieri, 1990. “Paleoenvironment History of Western al-Aˈrush”, in A. de Maigret (ed.), The Bronze Age Culture of Khawlan at-Tiyal and Al-Hada (Yemen Arab Republic): A First General Report (=ISMEO Reports and Memoirs, XXIV), Roma, pp. 137-143.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryMarcolongo, B., A.M. Palmieri, 1992. “Paleoenvironment and Settlement Pattern of the Tihamah Coastal Plain (Republic of Yemen)”, Yemen. Studi archeologici, storici e filologici sull'Arabia meridionale, 1, pp. 117-124.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistorySedov, A.V. 2012. “Prof. Alessandro de Maigret and his contribution to the archaeology of South Arabia”, in A.V. Sedov (ed.), New Research in Archaeology and Epigraphy of South Arabia and its Neighbors. Proceedings of the “Rencontres Sabéennes 15”, held in Moscow, May 25th – 27th, 2011 (The State Museum of Oriental Art, Institute of Oriental Studies - Russian Academy of Sciences), Moscow, pp. 11-14.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryValentini, R., 2005. Le datazioni al C-14 e il loro uso in archeologia, Strumenti 1, CISA, UNIOR, Napoli.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryValentini, R., 2005. “Working with radiocarbon dating”, in A. Sholan, S. Antonini, M. Arbach (eds), Sabaean Studies. Studies in honour of Yusuf M. ’Abdallah, Alessandro de Maigret and Christian J. Robin in occasion of their 60th birthdays, Naples-San‘a, pp.489-499.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryValentini, R., 2011. Alessandro de Maigret (14 August 1943 – 14 February 2011). Appreciation, Antiquity, online 25 August 2011,
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryVentrone Vassallo G., 1992. “Note su la Madrasa al-Ashrafiyya e la Muzaffariyya di Taˈizz”, Yemen, 1, pp. 131-148.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryVentrone Vassallo, G,. 1993. “Decorazione con inserti di ceramica nell'architettura islamica dello Yemen”, in Atti del XXVI Convegno Internazionale della ceramica (Centro Ligure per la storia della Ceramica), Albisola, pp. 329-345.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryVentrone Vassallo, G., 1994. “The Al-Farawi mosque in Yemen”, Proceedings of the Seminar of Arabian Studies, 24, pp. 209-219.-
Surveys, Discoveries, PrehistoryVentrone Vassallo, G., 1996. « Les Mausolées de la ville de Sa'da », in Islam. Diimyasinda Mezarleklar ve Defin Gelenekleri'nden Ayribasim, Ankara, pp. 29-55.-
YalāAntonini, S., 1996. “Una tavoletta-portafortuna in terracotta dagli scavi di Yalā/ad-Durayb (Repubblica dello Yemen)”, in Ch. Robin (ed.), Arabia Antiqua. Early Origins of the South Arabian States. Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Conservation and Enhancement of the Archaeological Heritage of the Arabian Peninsula Held at Palazzo Brancaccio, Rome, by IsMEO on 27th-31st May 1991 (=Serie Orientale Roma LXX, 1), Roma, pp. 143-163.PDF
YalāBeeston, A.F.L., 1991. “The Sayhadic Hunt at Shiˈb al-ˈAql”, in Etudes sud-arabes. Recueil offert à Jacques Ryckmans (=Publ. de l'Inst. Orient. de Louvain, 39), Louvain, pp. 49-57. -
YalāBuffa, V., 2012. “Plant-processing in a residence of the Early South Arabian Period. The ground stone tools from House A in Yalā/ad-Durayb (Yemen)”, in A. Sedov (ed.), New research in archaeology and epigraphy of South Arabia and its neighbors, Moscow, pp. 75-104.-
Yalāde Maigret, A. (ed.), 1988. The Sabaean Archaeological Complex in the Wādī Yalā (Eastern Khawlān at-Ṭiyāl, Yemen Arab Republic) con contributi di G. Garbini, M. Al-Eryânî, B. Marcolongo, A.M. Palmieri (=IsMEO Reports and Memoirs, XXI), Roma. -
Yalāde Maigret, A., 2003. “La ceramica sabea: specificità e sviluppi da uno studio delle forme”, Arabia, 1, pp. 89-96. PDF
Yalāde Maigret, A., Ch.J. Robin, 1989. « Les fouilles italiennes de Yalâ (Yémen du Nord): nouvelles données sur la chronologie de l’Arabie préislamique », Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Comptes rendus des séances de l'année 1989, pp. 255-291.PDF
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YalāFedele, F.G., 2009. “Sabaean animal economy and household consumption at Yalā, Eastern Khawlān al-Ṭiyāl, Yemen”, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 39, pp. 135-154.-
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South Arabian art, material cultureAntonini de Maigret, S., A. Agostini, 2016. “Due tipi di offerte a mano in bronzo di una collezione privata yemenita”, in Semitica et Classica, 9, pp. 215-222. -
South Arabian art, material cultureAntonini de Maigret, S., F. Betti & Leila ʿAlī ʿAqīl 2016. “Gioielli sudarabici da Kharibat Hamdān/Haram (Jawf, Yemen). Osservazioni preliminari”, in Semitica et Classica 9, pp. 223-244.-
South Arabian art, material cultureAntonini de Maigret, S., R. Ravagnan, C. Muradore. 2017. “Preserving and Transmitting Traditional Building Techniques in Yemen”, in Trevor H.J. Marchand (ed.), Architectural Heritage of Yemen. Buildings that Fill my Eye, London (Gingko), pp. 149-155. -
South Arabian art, material cultureAntonini de Maigret, S., Ch.J. Robin, F. Bron. 2005-2006. “Nouveautés épigraphiques. Nouvelles inscriptions de Ma‘în”. Arabia, 3, pp. 273-280, fig. 170-172, pp. 364. -
South Arabian art, material cultureAntonini de Maigret, S. (forthcoming), “Missione Archeologica Italiana in Yemen. Notizia di una prospezione archeologica a Ghaymān”. Nota di Bruno Marcolongo, in Arabie, Arabies. Mélanges en l’honneur de Christian Julien Robin, Damas, Publications de l’Institut français de Damas.-
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